Strangeworks, Inc. and the Strange Case of the Curley-Wurley Man
Strangeworks, Inc. sounds like something from the movie A Clockwork Orange. But even the mind of Stanley Burgess couldn’t invent William Hurley, commonly known as Whurley, maybe quantum computer’s very first poster boy
Ode to the Curly-Wurly Man
When I was a child, I loved the chewy chocolate bar called a Curly-Wurly (don’t think they’re available in the US). Don’t know why, really, as there were better ones: Snickers, Mars etc. The chewy, elastic consistency of the bar was annoying and really quite bad for your teeth: You took a bite, pulled it, twisted it a few times — like a crocodile with its prey — then, with an almighty yank, it came loose. The movement, and the action in general, was very quantum, very qubitty in its randomness, a candy superposition surprise of, though not quantum physics at his purest, the closest thing to it in the physical world.
All that reminds me, strangely — and a bad analogy, for sure — of something quite similar, a man with a ‘ley’ suffix to his surname, William Hurley, otherwise known as Whurley, also very quantum, very qubitty in his thinking, a man ahead of his time and with more ideas…