Mining the Miners: How the Service Providers Are the Only Ones to Get Rich During a Gold Rush

With the likes of indie book publishing, the Bitcoin craze and other business avenues to ‘get rich quick’ becoming more popular, we look now to some historical perspectives as to why the masses who follow a dream rarely achieve it. The reality is, sadly, only the early adopters and unique outliers ever do, as well as those selling ‘services’ for the specific industry

James Dargan
6 min readAug 7, 2019
Photo by Xiang Gao on Unsplash

As Lady Luck Would Have It

On January 24, 1848, a few days after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed (ending the Mexican-American War), gold was discovered in California. It was to be the beginning of the greatest dash for wealth in 19th century America. Almost immediately people lucky enough to already be in the locale — mostly Californios and early American settlers — started digging and panning for gold. One far-sighted entrepreneur, Sam Brannan, a Mormon born in Maine who had settled in the California territory a few years before, came up with the great idea of cashing in on the situation. As lady luck would have it, he had opened…



James Dargan

Author & futurist writing about quantum computers, AI, crypto/blockchain. Journalist @ Read my fiction on Amazon or